Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Just sharing my reply written sometime back - to one of valued customer’s view in appreciation of her experience @ our earnest endeavor “TAAZA THINDI” – to express our gratifying acknowledgement just out of sheer love and affection  

Great pains were taken to establish a South Indian self-service Eatery,
Only one of its kind in the service of South Bengaluru populace, is much acclaimed
Arduous path is not just often trudged by most while venturing out.
Just to earn few bucks serving those goodies at the end of the day shall not suffice,
But our highest satisfactory levels are achieved by spotless service

A customer is the most important priority in our premises.
Customer is not dependent on us, we are dependent on customer.
Customer is not an interruption in our work, but is the purpose of it.
Customer is not an outsider of our business, but a part of it.
We are not doing him any favor by serving him.
Customer does a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so in service.

Camouflaging whole activity shall not reflect anything,
but an everlasting awareness created about fair food safety practices
does lot of wonders at large in terms of learning, training & unlearning.
Enormous self-empowerment, self-employment, employment and skills created
@ work are also few factors that go far beyond one’s imagination
as to how an eatery can be operated with high professional standards in all fairness.

Every particle in this universe has energy.
When the particle or body is placed on a space time, it bends.
Particles do not attract each other.
Similarly, no actions can be transferred through a distance without direct medium.
Our See-through kitchen indicates how fresh the preparations are!
We @ Taaza Thindi have seen attraction between particles is only apparent and relative   
to customer

When we try to be idealistic, dream of perfection in us and other people blooms
We might have the idealistic goal for wellness of society
Being idealistic, also describes someone whose plans are possibly unrealistic,
But we’ve been trying to be realistic to the core by fair practices

It is impossible to state with any practical exactitude what the customer is.
Several common denominators found when we consider customer in terms of what he is not.
These things are fundamental to intelligent customer relationship and it may be added,
Most of them apply pretty well to the vast majority of prospects as well.

The customer is not a rank outsider to our business — he is a part of it.
The customer is not a statistic —
He comes as a package of flesh-and-blood human being, completely equipped with biases, Prejudices, Emotions, Pulse, Blood Chemistry and possibly a deficiency of certain vitamins !

The customer is not someone to argue with or to match wits against !
He is a person who brings us his wants.
If we have sufficient imagination, we will endeavor to handle them profitably
to him and to ourselves.”

Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not will he revert.
We will have to be great shape every time or we lose them

Blessed are those who visit us
Feel good about how divinely business is run
That makes them revisit us again
Like visits to idyllic shrines with devotion bring tranquility 

Genuine choicest words of customer bring in lot of fervor to work more assiduously.
It can’t get better either while our earnest efforts shall go on relentlessly towards excellence.

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